Civil No-Contact Order (50C) Stalking/Sexual Harassment Protective Order
What is a Civil No-Contact Order?
How can I get an order against stalking or sexual harassment?
*The following information is from the website and is for informational purposes only. The information below is not intended to be nor should be considered legal advice. Please consult your attorney for legal advice.
- Victims of sexual assault or stalking have a legal right to get an immediate protective order. This is called a civil no-contact order.
- This civil no-contact order is similar to the domestic violence protective order because it is designed to prevent attackers or harassers from stalking you, showing up at your workplace or contacting family members.*
- With a civil no-contact order, however, you can get an order against a stranger or acquaintance that is stalking or harassing you - you do not have to have a "personal relationship" with the person as required by the DVPO.
- Note that if you have had a "personal relationship" as explained in the DVPO laws above, then you cannot get a civil no-contact order. You must file for a DVPO if you seek this type of protection and you have the “personal relationship” as explained in the DVPO laws above.
*NCGS § 50C-5
**For information regarding a DVPO (Domestic Violence Protective Order), and to see which protective order fits your situation , click here.